There is number of books published every year since the
inception of book publishing business. At present, the paperback is often
replaced by E-books, but the real book lovers only prefer the classical n
all-time favorite paperback.
If you are willing to Top Publishers In India,then you
should know the decent and well-known publishing company. Finding the right
publishing house makes a great impact on the success of your book and if you
are new, then it is responsible for making you an established writer.
How To Start?
Publishing is not only about just publishing the book, but
rather decision by publishing house to get it published or rejected?. If you
are a novice in the publishing industry, this question might haunt you.
In the
digital world, where internet entertainment and information replacing the
books, it is hard to make a mark. The reputed publishing house has a big sales
team and they inspect the book even before editor review it whether the book
will perform better in the market or not.
The Best Players In The
It is important to choose publishing houses which comprehend
your viewpoint and Rumour Books India (RBI) knows the market very well.
It recognizes new forms and flairs of literature in India.
This publishing
company is the only company from North India which is nationwide famous. It is
established in 2013, by Mr. ReekritSerai and Ms. RadhikaPanickar. Its books are
already famed as the best bookseller on Flipkart, Amazon and The Hindu.
Books India (RBI)includes an author who is famous and will make you read
the book a long time. With the good online presence-this publishing company
will let you connect and your needs every time.
Achievements Of RBI
In the year 2014, a collection of short fiction titled
‘Mango Chutney’ edited by the bestselling author Harsh Snehanshu and had given
a stage to new writers to get their books published. Its sequel was also
launched on May, 2 and its other books in the Mango Chutney series are planned
to coming in the future.
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