Many authors are familiar with the problem: one struggles for months, possibly years, and writes and refines his manuscript, puts all his imagination, time, and hope into it. Finally, send it to a number of publishers, one of whom is one hoped for a book publication. The weeks pass until the first answer arrives. We regret to inform you that your manuscript does not fit into our publishing program. "What the hell," one thinks. There are still twenty publishers left. What now? So you start looking for a publisher again and browse the internet again... Publishing your book is a great moment for any author. To finally hold the bound, printed work with the individual book cover in your hands - that is the well-deserved reward for many hours of writing, researching, and thinking. Write Your Book and Publish it with RBI And it's not that difficult anymore these days. The Rumour Books India – a famous book publisher in India offers you the necessary help and su...